RWTH Aachen University

Ausschreibung : Deptartment of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, RWTH Aachen University

POSITION: Long-Term Professorship for Water Management at the Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai / India

DESCRIPTION: The IGCS is a research cooperation centre between the German group of universities (TU 9 and Christian-Albrechts University (CAU) Kiel) and IIT Madras in Chennai, India. RWTH Aachen University coordinates the Centre on the German side. The IGCS focusses on sustainability in the areas of water resources management, waste management, land use (urban and rural development) and energy. The Centre receives funding from the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


Bewerbungsende: February 1, 2017

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